Your skincare regimen is determined by your skin type. In essence, you are the one who knows your skin the best! Consider your skin type, complexion, needs, and personal habits for a moment before making a skincare routine or purchasing skincare items. For additional information, speak with your dermatologist as well.
If you have been told that you have oily skin, you should be aware that this type of skin is caused by an overproduction of sebum, which is an oil secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin.
To a certain extent, having oil on your skin is good since it helps protect it and gives you the appearance of thicker, less wrinkled skin. However, most dermatology patients are concerned about oily skin since excessive sebum production might be problematic. Actually, having too much oil on oily skin can block pores and make acne breakouts more frequent. As a result, controlling the oiliness of the skin is necessary.
You can control the oiliness of your skin by using the following skincare advice for oily skin:
1. Use oil-free goods: Keep in mind to buy oil-free skincare and makeup products during your next shopping excursion. Check the bottle for the oil-free label. Oil plugs pores, which makes acne worse. The last thing you need on oily skin is a product that will make your skin even more oily!
To improve the natural moisture balance of your oily to combination face, we suggest using JOHNSON'S® Wipes: Oil Balancing Facial Cleansing Wipes for Oily to Combination face.
2. Wash your face: Wash your face in the morning, at night, and following any physical activity or perspiration. For best results, use a mild foaming face wash such as JOHNSON'S® Even Complexion Face Wash with Soy & Red Berry.
Avoid using a face wash that is excessively strong since it may cause irritation to your skin and increase the production of oil. Scrubbing is also strictly forbidden. Cleaning your face with a scrub can also irritate your skin!
3. Moisturize your skin: You may be under the impression that hydrating oily skin will make it even more greasy and oily. That isn't the case, though. Maintaining hydrated skin is crucial, so use a moisturizer like JOHNSON'S® 24 Hour Moisture Soft Cream, which is enhanced with shea butter and provides 24-hour moisture to prevent dry, oily, or lifeless-looking skin on your face and body.
4. Wear sunscreen: Sunscreen is a vital component of every skincare routine, regardless of skin type, since it guards against UV damage that can cause wrinkles, age spots, and, in the worst cases, skin cancer. Choose sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide if you have oily skin instead of ones with aroma or oil.
5. Take off your makeup: It's important to remember that makeup can clog your pores even more, so you should never sleep with it on. Therefore, be sure to use JOHNSON'S® Fresh Hydration® Micellar Rose-Infused Cleansing Water along with JOHNSON'S® Pure Cotton Make-Up Pads to remove all makeup and its residues.
Johnson's carries JOHNSON'S® Oil Balancing Facial Cleansing Wipes for Oily to Combination Skin if that's how you like to take off your makeup.
Go here to learn more about makeup removal for skin prone to acne.
6. Use blotting paper: Blotting sheets can also assist to lessen the oiliness of your skin when used throughout the day. After giving it a light press to your face, remove the paper after a short while. Once more, avoid irritating your skin and transferring the oil to other parts of your body by avoiding rubbing your face with the paper.
Lastly, it should go without saying that you should avoid touching your face during the day unless you are cleansing, moisturizing, or applying makeup or sunscreen. Put the above-mentioned oily skin skincare advice to use and get ready to show off the skin you've always wanted!
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