To keep safe and healthy as flu season draws near, it's imperative to practice basic personal hygiene. Here are some essential hygiene habits to keep you and your loved ones safe from the flu and other illnesses.

How can you guard against the flu?

These simple preventive hygiene steps can help you avoid becoming sick this flu season. Here are five strategies to lessen viral exposure while maintaining your safety and well-being:

1. Frequently wash your hands

The first and most recommended line of defense against infections, including coronaviruses, is to routinely wash your hands under running water, using bar soap or an antibacterial hand wash for at least 20 seconds. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers help lessen bacteria on hands, but they also dry up your skin and do not completely eradicate all germs. Cleaning your hands is imperative following a cough or sneeze, before cooking or eating, after using the restroom, and after working with animals. Johnson's antibacterial range uses the power of gentle to keep your hands moisturized and shield you and your loved ones from skin infections, food poisoning, and other widely transmitted ailments.

2. Take care while touching your face or making contact with other people. Refrain from using unclean hands to touch your mouth, nose, or eyes. Viruses usually propagate via tiny particles landing on surfaces that humans may touch and then coming into contact with their faces. Additionally, be sure to disinfect and clean surfaces and items that are touched regularly.

3. Keep yourself safe from people who are exhibiting respiratory sickness symptoms: Keep a safe distance from anyone who is sneezing, feverish, or coughing. Additionally, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and get medical attention right away if you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath. It is crucial to remember that new coronavirus symptoms could manifest a few days after exposure or up to 14 days later, and they could spread to others even if they haven't yet manifested.

4. Adhere to food safety guidelines: Steer clear of undercooked or raw animal products and handle meat products with caution. To prevent cross-contamination, be careful to use separate cutting boards and knives for raw and cooked meat. Lastly, both before and after preparing food, wash your hands with an antibacterial soap.

5. Maintaining your safety when traveling: To ensure your health and safety while traveling, it's crucial to always abide by the recommended standards of hygiene. It is advisable to get medical assistance before flying if you have a weakened immune system or are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory disease. Make sure you adhere to the prior suggestions as well, eating only properly prepared meals and drinking purified water.

Selecting antibacterial products that are both mild and potent

Selecting the right hand wash products should be a top priority since they are the first and most important step in maintaining personal hygiene and preventing infections. Your skin may become dry after using bar soap or regular hand wash. For this reason, Johnson's scientists created an antibacterial line of products that leave your hands feeling smooth and silky while simultaneously eliminating germs with potent MAX-PROTECT germ elimination technology. In addition to leaving your skin feeling hydrated, the line of hand and body washes is designed to leave you free of bacteria.

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