Hand washing on a regular basis is a vital hygiene habit that can guard against bacterial and viral illnesses, common viruses, and influenza. Unwashed hands can transfer germs and viruses from one person to another or from surfaces when someone touches their mouth, nose, or eyes. Additionally, using unwashed hands while preparing food or beverages can spread a virus to another person.

Sneezing or coughing into your hands, then touching other objects or people, or touching contaminated surfaces and then touching your face are two further ways that respiratory diseases spread. It is recommended to always maintain a regular hand hygiene practice by frequently washing your hands with soap and water in order to avoid all these undesired situations. Here's a simple way to frequent hand washing that won't cause dry skin!

Hand washing in six simple steps

When mucus or virus-containing droplets enter your body through your mouth, eyes, or nose, respiratory viruses can spread. One of the most popular methods for viruses to spread is through unclean hands. So, how can you properly wash your hands to avoid getting sick or infecting others if you do? The CDC offers the following simple 5-step instructions for washing your hands correctly:

Step 1: Clean

Wet your hands with warm or cold running water to begin. Germ eradication does not appear to be impacted by water temperature.

Step 2: Create a foam

Put on enough soap or antibacterial hand wash to completely saturate your hands. Microbes and dirt are lifted from the skin by the friction created when lathering and cleansing hands.

Step 3: Clean

Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands and massage under your nails as well as in between your fingers. The WHO states that washing your hands should take 20 seconds, or roughly the same amount of time as twice as many happy birthdays!

Step Four: Rinse

Use running water to thoroughly rinse your hands.

Step Five: Desiccate

Use a fresh towel or a single-use tissue to dry your hands. Make sure to dry your hands because bacteria and germs are more likely to thrive on damp hands.

Step 6: Apply moisturizer

Use a daily moisturizer to maintain your skin supple and soft because frequent hand washing might dry out your skin and irritate it.

When ought I to hand wash?

You should frequently wash your hands to prevent respiratory infections and seasonal viruses. Some situations that call for hand cleaning are as follows:

when you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose.

both during and after cooking or eating food.

both before and after providing medical care.

following trips to public areas like marketplaces and transit hubs.

following any contact with surfaces outside your house.

following the removal of trash.

when interacting with animals or pets.

following a bathroom visit.

How to maintain moisturized, germ-free hands

Dry hands might result from frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer use. Nonetheless, there are antibacterial products that are made with gentle ingredients to help maintain your hands clean and in good condition. Johnson's scientists created antibacterial solutions with potent germ-killing technology that leave your hands feeling smooth and hydrated. The line offers body and hand cleansers that are designed to leave your skin feeling hydrated and free of bacteria and germs.

In addition to selecting an appropriate handwashing product, the following advice can help prevent dry skin:

Instead of using hot water, which is more likely to dry up your hands and remove any natural oils, use lukewarm water.

Use topical moisturizers to give your skin a protective layer and help the epidermis regain its barrier function. Use Johnson's® 24-Hour Moisture Hand Cream to smooth out rough, taut, and lifeless-looking skin. To avoid dryness on your face and body, you can also apply Johnson's 24-hour Moisture Body lotion. This gentle lotion promises 24-hour hydration.

When drying your hands, avoid wiping them to prevent tiny cuts on your skin. Using paper towels is the finest option for gently patting or drying your hands dry.

Which is preferable: using hand sanitizer or washing your hands?

The majority of pathogens and bacteria can be effectively removed by hand sanitizer use as well as soap and water washing. Although hand sanitizer is frequently more practical, not all viruses and bacteria can be killed by it. Additionally, hand sanitizers might not be particularly helpful if your hands are obviously dirty. Furthermore, they don't clean your hands of dangerous substances. But a hand sanitizer that works well needs to have at least 60% alcohol in it.

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