Vegan diet and acne
Acne can be stubborn, and making matters even more frustrating is how tricky it can be to correctly diagnose the underlying causes.
But if you’re battling with these unsightly bumps and blemishes, and if you drink a lot of milk, then you may want to consider ditching dairy ASAP.
Milk has been called “nature’s perfect food” for causing acne—need we say any more?! The hormones and steroids present in cows' milk, which are designed to help calves grow, can cause havoc on our already-delicately balanced hormonal systems and give rise to acne.
The good news is that there are tons of vegan (and very authentic!) options for your cereal, morning coffee, and everything in between. So we suggest loading up on oat, almond, cashew, macadamia, or other nut milks and see if that clears up your skin.
Other benefits of a vegan diet
If you need a few more reasons to think about making the switch to a vegan diet, well, we’ve you covered there! Here are a few of our fave reasons that clearly demonstrate the benefits of going vegan for skin.
The vegan glow is at times considered a mere myth, an urban legend, something often talked about but not real.
So it might amaze you to know that the vegan glow is real, and is something you can achieve on your own—no summoning spells or wishful thinking required!
The vegan glow refers to the healthy, radiant skin that so many vegans seem to have. Getting the glow can actually be pretty simple: it all comes down to eating a robust variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and having these be your predominant diet.
A whole-foods, plant-based diet can do two things to make you glow from the inside out: first, it provides ample nutrition to your body and your skin—all those yummy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body craves.
But the vegan glow is also a result of there being fewer toxins to combat. Your body is constantly working to eject toxins, whether those that you eat, drink, or even that you breathe in (you gotta love air pollution!). The primary detoxifying organs in our body include the liver and kidneys, but also, crucially, your skin (and yeah—acne can be your body ejecting toxins!).
So when you cut out a diet rich in animal products and heavily processed foods, you are doing your body a major solid by lessening the need to detoxify. So not only will your skin be more nourished, you’ll detox less through your skin, and, voila!—there’s the magic formula for that magical vegan glow!
Like all other parts of our bodies, our hair needs proper nutrition to really shine. That’s why a vegan diet composed of healthy whole foods, combined with taking supplements regularly (namely B12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, and iron) will help your hair look its best.
Many people report that hair is shinier, thicker, and overall healthier-looking after making the switch.
Okay, so this one isn’t about your body, but it’s still pretty important, if you ask us. These days, virtually all of the animal products you consume—whether meat, dairy, or eggs—comes from industrial farms, also known as factory farms. These places are pretty much hell on earth—and no, that’s not an exaggeration.
Factory farms aim to lower the costs of production by keeping thousands of animals within extremely tight confines. It turns out that freedom of movement does have a price, and it is a price that farmed animals pay in factory farms. The hens who lay eggs in conventional egg factories are given the same amount of space as a piece of lined paper; they can’t stretch their wings out or their necks up without hitting the sides of their cage or other hens. Female pigs who are bred to produce offspring for pork farms are kept in gestation crates for months on end—cages that are about the same size as their bodies, preventing them from walking, visiting with other pigs, or even turning around.
Animals on factory farms are treated as units of production rather than the sensitive, intelligent, and aware beings that they are. They are bred to produce more meat, more milk, more eggs, and more offspring—all of which come at a dear cost to their bodies, resulting in often debilitatingly painful conditions.
And all of the animals who end up on our plates are very young—relative children compared with natural lifespans. That glass of milk? It comes from a cow who is at most five years old, when cows can naturally live into their twenties and beyond. That chicken breast? It came from a bird who was a few weeks old.
A big part of why Kinder Beauty does what we do is to make vegan beauty more popular, support the movement to protect animals, and help people understand that it’s easy, and beneficial, to choose vegan for your skin.
Common misconceptions about veganism
Veganism is often construed as a diet of extremes, where one is obliged to make constant sacrifices and suffer terrible health consequences along the way.
What if we told you the exact opposite may well be true?
There’s a reason—many reasons, in fact!—why more and more people are turning to a vegan diet. And maybe in reading these misconceptions that we’ve busted through below, you might just become a convert.
We’ve all heard that saying about staying young at heart. Well, it turns out there’s scientific evidence that people do, in fact, age at different rates. This means that someone who’s just had their 40th birthday party can have the body of a 35-year-old or a 50-year-old—all depending on a variety of lifestyle and environmental factors.
In fact, one study found there to be a variance of up to 30 years between people’s chronological age and the age their bodies (their biological age) appeared to be when tested. Some of the study participants were seen to simply “pause” biological aging. We’ll take some of that, thank you!
But the question is, do vegans age faster?
There are a few reasons why vegans could age slower than people who eat a lot of animal products—notably, those vegans who adhere to that all-important whole-foods vegan diet.
Fruits, veggies, and whole grains contain way more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than animal products; plus, animal products tend to be filled with chemicals, hormones, and harmful bacteria that the body needs to filter out. Depriving your body of nutrients while taxing your body with toxins can result in faster aging.
While there is still debate about whether a vegan diet will slow the body’s natural healing process, Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, says that this is “really old-fashioned thinking” and that a vegan diet may actually aid healing.
Because a plant-based diet can help to regulate the inflammatory response, the healing process can be sped along. Conversely, animal products can promote inflammation, which can cause enlarged blood vessels, the release of antibodies, and blood leaking into tissues—all of which can wind up prolonging healing time.
Final thoughts
We think it’s pretty clear: there are so many benefits to a vegan diet, not least for your skin! Between a vegan glow, slower aging, no acne, and shiny, thick hair—well, what reasons are there not to give this diet a whirl?
We’ve got plenty of resources for you in that department to help you get going. And of course, anytime you shop Kinder Beauty’s marketplace or receive one of our boxes, you can feel confident that you’ll be receiving products that are 100% vegan and cruelty-free.
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