Non-vegan makeup ingredients by Aminaz Salon

 Non-vegan makeup ingredients

The list of non-vegan makeup ingredients is, unfortunately, a long one. We’ve collected some of the most common ones you may come across. 

Some of these ingredients are byproducts of other industries, meaning that no animals were killed just to make these ingredients. Proponents of non-vegan makeup might say that it’s okay to use these ingredients since otherwise, they might go to waste. But we at Kinder choose not to support industries that exploit animals in any way. (We can guarantee that any animal byproduct came from an animal who was still entrenched in an exploitative and cruel system. In other words, that animal most certainly did not die of natural causes.)

And anyway, do you really want to be smearing cow bones or chicken bits onto your skin? 

While this list might seem discouraging (especially when you consider how widely these ingredients are used), there is cause for hope. Some non-vegan makeup ingredients have vegan alternatives that are either naturally occurring or are replacements that have been invented as people search for ethical alternatives. You should keep in mind when inspecting labels that this difference isn’t always indicated on packaging. 

Here’s a list of products that make makeup not vegan, and we’ve listed vegan alternatives where they exist.

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